Using a Simple Meeting Will Help Your Business Get From Wishes to Dreams

written by Peter O. | Rhythms

Goals without routines are wishes; routines without goals are aimless. -Verne Harnish

When I first read the quote above, we were doing just around 2 million in revenue. I really had no idea how a routine could help you get from wishes to dreams (goals).

What is a routine? Routine definition: a sequence of actions regularly followed.

How can that help me hit my goals? I mean, I need to do new stuff, I need new tactics, execute new marketing projects, etc... Doing the same thing over and over isn't going to get me there.

I had no idea that the word "routine" and "meeting" needed to go together to really help you get crap done.

Let me give you a very simple routine that will help your business grow:

Every week, have a meeting. Same time, same place, same meeting structure, same length. Here is the structure to start with:

  • Good news (5min) - Have everyone in the room tell what has gone well since last week, personal or in business.

  • Metrics/KPI's (5min) - Do a quick runthrough of the metrics that represent "how you make money." We had 100 marketing leads, generating 80 sales meetings, ending up in 40 sales. Don't discuss why they are bad/good. just run through them. Take note of this issues for down below.

  • Quarterly Goals (5min) - Review your progress toward our goals. Take note of the issues for down below

  • Issues (60-75 min) - What problems are you having in reaching your metrics or in executing toward your goals? Work as a team to find solutions.

That's it. It's not complicated.

Don't get distracted by shiny ideas, by new opportunities, by strategic thinking. This meeting is about action. Its about execution. You're trying to ask "Are we doing what we said we would do? How can we help each other solve our problems?"

Start doing this meeting even if you have no long term strategy. Pick some simple goals for the quarter and start the meeting.

This routine will change the way you do business.

About the Author
Peter Olson writes about what he's learned growing a business to high seven figures. He's the CEO of an Inc 5000 company that works with entrepenours to help them growth their businesses.

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